Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Less Than 3 Weeks Left!

Today you all need to be working hard on your projects. All of these projects (clamation, mural design, and personal) need to be completed by the end of this six weeks. We also will NOT be having school this Friday and Thursday will be "Intervention Schedule". APRIL 12th is the last day of the six weeks so make a plan to finish on time!! The completion of your project is a TEST grade.

Today Art 1 will be learning how to shoot their claymation projects. You will wrap up your work on sets and props by Thursday. I would like for you to try to shoot at least 50 shots as well and practice editing it in iMovie over the weekend.

1. Use "Photo Booth" to shoot each picture. Comand "F" will flip each photo if you need to flip them for words or appearance.

2. After each time you shoot a picture, make a very small movement with your character. It may take 10-20 shots just to move an arm or take a few steps. The slower you change positions and the more you take shots the better the movie will look.

3. Once you finish photographing a scene you can highlight the pictures and click on the iPhoto icon in the corner of your Photo Booth and it will send all of them to iPhoto. Once in iPhoto you may edit the photos if you would like but make sure what ever you do to one, you do to them all! Otherwise the shot manipulated will stand out more in the actual movie.

4. Make sure you are watching the time and get to a stopping point before the bell each day.


Today Advanced Art Students will be finishing up preperations for their mural designs. These designs will be presented to a committee of community members that will choose their favorite. This design will win $100! Yesterday, due to many students' mental blockage, we changed the requirements of the design. The committee would like the design to be produce based in order for their to be a farmers market area at the location site. I personally feel that the mural should reflect Ralls' History. I would like you to come up with your own writen proposal and small scale painting to present to the committee. This assignment is also due in less than 3 weeks. Yes, this is a short period of time for a big assignment, but get over it, because college will be worse and so will the work force!! :) Here are your due dates:

Tuesday 26th: Short written proposal statement is due. This needs to be at least 3-5 sentences about what your mural will reflect.

Wednesday 27th: A "Rough Sketch" of your mural design is due. This is a quick preperation of the layout and composition of your mural design.

Thursday 28th: Work Day! I am going to try to set up a time for us to go to the Ralls Historical Museum for inspiration. This will possibly be during intervention time so have your work finished!

Wednesday 3rd: A "Final Drawing" of your mural design is due. This needs to be more of a detailed reference of your mural plans. I should be able to see your complete vision. You will also recieve your canvas for your painting today. You must gesso and prepare your canvas for use.

Thursday 4th: I will be gone will Alexes for State VASE... However, you will begin your under drawing for your paintings today. Once you are finished with the drawing you will spray fix your pencil.

More TBA!!!

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