Saturday, December 10, 2011

Work on those Projects!

Best wishes on your Benchmark Testing!! Please work on those Quilling Projects at home!

Friday, December 9, 2011


You will receive a Daily Grade to day for your work effort. You will also nee to have your, inspiration photo, vocabulary notes, and 3 sentences out for me to grade from yesterday.


Thursday, December 8, 2011

"Artist of the Day" WASSILY KANDINSKY! & Vocab. & Quill Work!

You are almost ready to start art making!! BUT... here are some vocabulary words and an artist that will help you enhance your designs.

VOCABULARY: (Elements & Principles)

"Artist of the Day" = WASSILY KANDINSKY

Focus on Kandinsky's "Compositions" and Color Use!

TODAY'S ASSIGNMENTS (3 quick warm up grades)

1. Vocabulary = find the definition for each term and WRITE them in your journals.
Copy / Paste doesn't help you learn what the words mean!

2. Reflection of Kandinsky's work.
Use 3 sentences incorporating 3 or more of the art vocabulary terms that you have learned!

3. Drag your favorite Kandinsky painting into your Art Folder for inspiration.

QUILLING PROJECT GRADES: (5 Daily Grades / 1 Test Grade)

1. Variety = Use at least 3 or more different types of quill designs.

2. Composition = How you used line, space, repetition, and unity.

3. Color = Fluidity of your color scheme within your composition.

4. Creativity = I will be looking at your originality and the mood (feeling) of the work.

5. Completion Grade = Due date is 12/20! (80% of surface must be covered with design!)

6. Craftsmanship = (TEST GRADE) The quality of the work! Does it look clean? Do the quills look neat or sloppy? Did you rush the process and is the gluing messy?

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

"Work Your Rear Off" Day!

Get in, get busy, work till the bell! Enough said!
If you have been absent, check previous posts and assignments for work!
If you have been slow and lazy, get your stuff turned in ASAP, Zero Hall Friday for the slackers!

You may listen to your music... You may not have your laptops open wide at all... You may not check your mail, chats, or other sites... You may talk quietly about appropriate topics... You may have fun in a positive and productive way! If not, "No laptop for YOU!"

Assignments to work on:
1. missing stuff
2. quilling projects
3. self portraits

Everyone has something to be doing!!!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

"Artist of the Day" Michael Shapcott

Today’s artist is Michael Shapcott. I have found his website that has a great images, videos, information, and techniques from the artist. I think he is a great portrait artists that uses color in a superb way!

Check out his gallery, the videos (we will try to watch them in class if we can get them on gaggle tube), and make sure you check out the “faq” under “about”.

Now it is time to work on your quill designs! You will come see me one at a time to choose your paper colors and to get them shredded. I will help you with your best design idea!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Let It Snow!

I hope you are enjoying the weather! I also hope you enjoyed a great weekend!

Today we are doing grade checks. All missing assignments will warrant a trip to zero hall this afternoon! Please get all assignments turned in by the end of your class period or you go on the list! Check at the previous posts for assignments if you have been absent.

Art 1 : QUILLING!!!
I need to approve your quill sketch before you begin the process of creating you work.
I will do a short demo and then you will get started!
1. Choose color scheme
2. Shred paper
3. Get quilling tools, glue, and the right attitude
4. Start twirling and folding paper!

Definition for Abstract =
"existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence : abstract concepts such as love or beauty.dealing with ideas rather than events : the novel was too abstract and esoteric to sustain much attention.not based on a particular instance; theoretical : we have been discussing the problem in a very abstract manner.(of a word, esp. a noun) denoting an idea, quality, or state rather than a concrete object : abstract words like truth or equality.
of or relating to abstract art : abstract pictures that look like commercial color charts."

Art 1 Project requirements...
1. NO PICTURES (ex. "Fish") Keep it "abstract" - Definition above-
2. Must cover 80% of the surface with different quill patterns
3. Must have a clear color scheme
4. Must invoke an emotion... hyper, depressed, loved, fear, loneliness...
4. Must be finished this FRIDAY the 9th!

Art 2-4 Project requirements...
FINISH!!!! I want one major work completed when you return from Christmas Break!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Make Up Day...

Today we will be a make-up / finish up day! Anything that you have missing needs to be completed before PASS TIME!

Best Wishes!