Wednesday, April 10, 2013

End of the 6-weeks!!

This is the last week of the 6-weeks. Here are the due dates and expectations for the next few days.

Claymation Projects:  All photos need to be finished on Thursday. You should already be importing images, adding sound, and editing. All of the steps are in the previous posts. If you are not finished shooting all of your photos for the Claymation project by Thursday at the end of the period, then you will be on Thursdays Zero Hall List.

Grades for the last 3 weeks:
Sets & Props
50+ Slides
Project Progress
100+ Slides
200+ Slides
Substitute Grade
iMovie Import Progress
Voices and Sound
Duration and Completion of Project
Peer Grade
Claymation Final Evaluation! (creativity, craftsmanship, completion, all aspects of project)

Upper Level Mural Designs & Individual Projects: These projects need to be finished with the drawing process by Thursday or you will have Zero Hall this Thursday. By Friday these projects need to be in the process of being painted. REMINDER... You will be given one week in the 6th 6-weeks to complete these paintings!!!! (Due to Spring Sports, STARR Testing, VASE trip, etc. I have given a project extension.

Sub Grade
Drawing Work Day / Materials Check (Monday & Tuesday)
Drawing Percentage Complete Grade (Wednesday)
Drawing Complete Thursday or Assigned to Zero Hall!! (Thursday)
Drawing Critique (Friday) TEST GRADE

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