Friday, September 7, 2012

Song Inspired Design

Design Assignment:
          Choose a song that will be used to inspire your design. Using the following elements and principles create a composition that reflects your music. You will first create a list of description words in your sketchbook for your song. Next you will create two small preliminary drawings using line, shape, color, as well as positive & negative space. The principles that I want you to focus on are Balance, Variety, & Repetition. After you create the two preliminary drawings present them to me for an in progress critique. We will choose and tweak one design for you to draw on a larger scale. Art 1 students will transfer their larger drawing onto different colors of construction paper and use an exact-o knife to cut the pieces. You will then glue them down to create your final design. Art 2 students may choose another medium of their choice to execute their design in. Art 3, 4, and VASE students are not limited to the Art 1 restrictions of the elements and principles. (you should know all of the rest by this point!) You may choose any style or medium to create your final piece with, however you still must. It can be, but is not limited to, photography, painting, sculpture, drawing, collage, etc. 

Elements of Art = tools used to create 

Line – thick, thin, curved, straight, zigzag, vertical, horizontal
Space – Positive = the lines or the object
            Negative = the area around object
Shape – Geometric = mathematical (Ex. circle, square, triangle)
            Free Form = closed line (Ex. paint blot)
Color – (3 schemes to choose from for this project!)
            Warm =(Fire) Yellow, Orange, Red
            Cool = (Cold) Blue, Violet, Green
            Complementary = Opposite on the color wheel
                            (Ex.  red & green; blue & orange; yellow & violet)

Principles of Design = rules for how to use the tools / elements

Balance – Symmetrical = mirror image; Equal elements on both sides
              Asymmetrical = objects aren’t mirrored
Repetition – repeat an element over & over
Variety – not all the same (size, color, thickness, shapes)

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