Sunday, April 18, 2010

Monday, April 19th Assignment!

Research the female portrait artist Tamara de Lempicka and look at her artwork titled, Self Portrait, 1925. Write (post with you initials and class period) 8 complete sentences over the artwork. You may write about how the artist used the elements and principles of design in the composition, OR you may write your thoughts on the artwork and what you feel the portrait is trying to convey.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Thursday's Assignment!

Assignment: Write a paragraph with at least 6, good, complete, sentences, about this work of art. Tell me what you know and what you can infer about the work. (Remember to include your initials and class period on the post!) Once you finish the post, continue work on your self portraits and FINISH those stop motion projects if at all possible. Every stop motion project needs to be placed into my drop box by Friday!!!

Know= What do you observe (see) and are sure of within the art work?
Infer= What conclusions (or story) can you draw from your observation of the artwork?

The Old Guitarist
Pablo Picasso
Oil On Panel, 1903

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I am sorry that I am out today with a stomach virus with it being the end of the six weeks! I need some more grades and I have no idea who will be watching you all, or where you will be. PLEASE be on your best behavior!!!! I expect COMPLETED assignments this time!!! This assignment will be a test grade and will be due TODAY! Only absent students can make this assignment up!

Assignment: Write a paragraph with at least 10, good, complete, sentences, about this work of art. Tell me what you know and what you can infer about the work. (Remember to include your initials and class period on the post!) Once you finish the post continue work on your self portraits and FINISH those stop motion projects if at all possible.

Know= what you observe and are sure of within the art work.
Infer= what conclusions you can draw from your observation of the artwork.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Pepsi Refresh Grant

Vote for Ralls to receive a grant to provide funds for our public swimming pool!!!!
Please help us win this grant by voting!!! REMEMBER.... 1 VOTE A DAY!!!

Vote to give this idea $250K: "Refresh Ralls Swimming Pool Keep kids off the street and in the pool"

Follow the link, and vote for the project ( first time you will have to register)