Sunday, September 23, 2012

Monday 24th - While I am out!

1. Work hard on "Song Inspired Designs" (All Art 1 Projects Are Due Wednesday!)
2. Quiet voices, talking to neighbor only (Appropriate Topics Please!
3. May listen to music on laptops only with earphones but must keep laptop half closed
4. If you get finished or are finished I would like you to find an artist on your laptop that inspires you. Drag 3 images of their work and the resources into a folder on your desktop. You must know the name of the artist and must find at least one website other than google images!
5. Art 2-4 work on your "Song Inspired Designs" as well!!! Your due date is this Friday unless special permission is granted.
6. Pick up all of your materials and stack them in the proper places before the end of each period. Make sure your Exacto knife is on my desk! If it isn't report it to the sub ASAP.

Best Wishes!
Mrs. Stewart

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