Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Clay Vocabulary

After I go over these vocabulary words with you please create a slide for each.
Include the word, definition, and several pictures for each word on each slide.

Ceramics, Pottery, Clay, Hand building, Wedging, Coil Building, Slab Building, Scoring, Slip, Pinch Pot, Rib Tool, Relief, Embellish, Leather Hard, Greenware, Bisque, Kiln, Fire, & Glaze

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Clay Preparation!

We will be starting clay projects next week!!!
Today we are going to research past cultures, movements, and artist that work with the clay medium.
I want you to create 2 slides with the following information....

Slide 1:
- Find a culture from the past that created things out of clay. These creations could be for either functional use or decorative use.
- Insert at least 2 images of the pottery, vessels, or sculptures.
- Include interesting information about the culture including dates, location, and other interesting facts.

Slide 2:
- Find an artist that uses clay in his or her work. Try to find artists that use earthenware, stoneware, or any other high fire or low fire clay.
- Insert at least 1 image of the artist and 2 images of their work.
- Include interesting information about the artist including dates, location, and other interesting facts.


All quilling and 1 point perspective projects must be turned in! No more time will be given in class!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

The End Is Near!

The end of the year is fast approaching! Make sure you are taking care of business!!

Today we are going to be critiquing your work:

Answer Self Critique Questions:
1. What was the most challenging part of the portrait project?
2. How could you improve your self-portrait?
3. Name something that you like about your project?
4. How do you feel your craftsmanship is within your project?

Self-Portraits, Pencil or Pen, Paper

Group Critiques:
1. Go over your answers with the class.
2. Ask peers to give two "glows" (praise) and a "grow" (way to improve).

Critique Answers
Peer Participation

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Welcome Back From Spring Break!

Welcome back from Spring Break! I hope you enjoyed your time off! This year is going to fly by so lets finish it strong!

Past projects that should already be turned in or well underway include:

Self Portrait Projects
Interactive Drawings
Art Storytelling

You will receive your progress reports today but know that there are MANY more grades to be given this six-weeks!

Today Art 1 students need to complete all wet sawdust work on their faces! Art 2 students need to complete all drawing steps on their portraits! IF NOT YOU HAVE ZERO HALL!!

By FRIDAY... Art 1 students will be finished with sanding and staining their faces. Art 2 will be finished with blending and using text within their compositions. Art 1 & 2 will also have several charcoal gesture drawings completed for grades as well. INTERVENTION FOR THOSE INCOMPLETE!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Monday, March 10th / Sub Plans

Today you will be creating an "interactive drawing"!

Look at Alex Solis' work by using the link below....

interactive |ˌintərˈaktiv|
adjective(of two people or things) influencing or having an effect on each other
In your interactive drawing the image you create is going to interact with a real object or you!
Step 1: Draw an image of anything that you would like. Make sure that it will interact within a photograph with your fingers, you, or another object. For the drawing you can use a photograph, your imagination, a computer reference or magazine reference. COME UP WITH YOUR OWN ORIGINAL IDEA! DO NOT COPY ANOTHER ARTISTS IDEA!!!!
Step 2: Draw the image or images in pencil. Use only line and value. We can ink them tomorrow! 
Step 3: *When I return on Tuesday* We will set up your drawing with you or an object and photograph the interaction. OR you may photograph the images separately and then use Photoshop to make them interact in a separate printed image!
Things to know:NO TALKING TODAY! NO ASSISTANCE FROM OTHERS! NO GROUP WORK!The blank white paper is on top of the radio next to the phone. :) or use your sketchbook.Please work hard all period and if you finish one drawing, start another!On Tuesday we will start photographing these images interacting, so if you aren't finished on Tuesday you will have zero hall.EVERYONE (all art levels) WILL BE CREATING AN INTERACTIVE DRAWING!**Gregorio and Valentina may work on their projects for their art contest! Katherine, Savannah, Jordain, Celeste, Elisha, and April may work on revised sketches for their VANS designs.Stay off of your phones and messaging devices!You may listen to your own music with headphones... but don't waste time switching songs!
Best Wishes!A. StewART

Friday, February 14, 2014

Tuesday, February 18th / Sub Assignment

Hey guys, sorry I am absent today! I am headed home from the San Antonio Stock Show...
Please use the whole period for this assignment. You may listen to your own music with headphones only. Once drawing you must not have your laptop all of the way open. NO MESSAGING! I will be giving you all a sub grade and your logo will be a few grades for creativity, composition, and completion.

ALL of you will be doing the following "Sketchbook" Assignment:
(Bryson, Catie, Robert, and Jesse may be working on their VASE contest projects if needed)
The sketchbooks are by my closet on the third shelf. If you do not have your sketchbook, use white copy paper please. Pencil only on these designs for now! DRAW LIGHTLY!!! We will add ink when I return.

"Logo Design"
Use your name or initials to create a logo for yourself. The logo should say something about you or what you like. If you play sports, how might your logo represent the sport you play? If you enjoy a certain style of music, how might you use your name or initials to represent that music? (Daily Warm- Ups, Shari McMahon)

If you are unsure of what a logo is, "Google" examples and check out the Ralls Centennial Logo on the photo wall. Also look up the definition of what a "Logo" is!

Start by sketching out your logo ideas and think carefully about the composition. Make sure you are considering the elements and principles of design. What is the logo's emphasis? Is the logo balanced? Does your logo have a full value scale?

I would like for the final logo to at least be the size of your hand or larger when drawn. I do not want you to add color to these logos.

Best Wishes,
Mrs. Stewart
Comment or email me if you have any questions!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Art 1

Wood, face pictures, & pencils

You have already photographed yourself from 5 different views, edited the images, and printed them. You should have drawn lines on your face photo that will help plot points and align your face for the drawing portion. At this point you have also sanded your board and have prepared it for drawing. If you haven't done these steps you will need to finish them today or you will have zero hall!

Today you will be drawing the vertical and horizontal axis onto the board. Once drawn you will measure out where your eyes will fall on the horizontal axis. Then you will be drawing your eyes. The next step will be to drop plummet lines from your tear ducts to find the position of your nose. 

Once you have your nose drawn you may use the rest of the period to work on your Vans shoe design or your SHAC t-shirt design.

Axis check point grade.
On Friday you must have your shoe and t-shirt turned in to avoid intervention time.

Art 2-4

Variety, pencil, rubrics

Today you may choose to work on any of your three projects that are currently in progress.
1. Vans Shoe Design
2. SHAC T-shirt Design
3. Person Projects

Today you must a least have one assignment completed and turned in to avoid zero hall.
On Friday you must have your shoe and t-shirt turned in to avoid intervention time.